
genetic shape generator

this webapp can be used to generate shapes based on a gene. different slices of the gene influence certain ways the shapes are drawn. (e.g. the first to digits determine the amount of grid columns)

there are different ways to generate shapes.
one is to draw new shapes with random genes / parameters.
mutating the shape offers similar shapes with closely related genes.
if you are content with the characteristics of the shape, you can create similar shapes by pressing the "new shape" button.
at last there is the possibility of manually editing the gene in the gene lab, which can be accessed by clicking the gene itself. there you can also change the color represented in hexadecimal in the last six digits. this parameter will always stay the same, if you are looking to find shapes in a certain color.


the genetic shape generator is free software build with p5.js. It is free to modify or redistribute it under the terms of the GNU GPL v3.0. you can access the code here.

genetic shape generator
Copyright (C) 2022 lars hembacher